COMPLAINT July 23, 2024 (2024)

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On July 23, 2024 aComplaint,Petitionwas filedinvolving a dispute betweenAccelerated Inventory Management, Llc,andThomas Raucci,for C40 - Contracts - Collectionsin the District Court of New Haven County.

COMPLAINT July 23, 2024 (1)

COMPLAINT July 23, 2024 (2)

  • COMPLAINT July 23, 2024 (3)
  • COMPLAINT July 23, 2024 (4)
  • COMPLAINT July 23, 2024 (5)
  • COMPLAINT July 23, 2024 (6)
  • COMPLAINT July 23, 2024 (7)
  • COMPLAINT July 23, 2024 (8)
  • COMPLAINT July 23, 2024 (9)
  • COMPLAINT July 23, 2024 (10)


RETURN DATE: July 30, 2024 SUPERIOR COURT ACCELERATED INVENTORY JUDICIAL DISTRICT MANAGEMENT, LLC OF ANSONIA- MILFORD VS. AT MILFORD THOMAS RAUCCI June 19, 2024 COMPLAINTCOUNT ONE - Breach of Contract 1 Atall relevant times. Plaintiff, Accelerated Inventory Management, LLC (“Plaintiff”) was and is a Limited Liability Company organized and existing under the laws of Texas the assignee of the original creditor, WebBank. A true and correct copy of the Bill of Sale is attached to this complaint as Exhibit "A". 2. Upon information and belief, Defendant Thomas Raucci is an individual residing in Orange in the state of Connecticut. 3 The Defendant applied for a Loan Agreement issued by WebBank. 4 As the applicant for a Loan Agreement issued by WebBank, the Defendant provided personal financial disclosures required by the Plaintiff's application procedure. 5 WebBank and Defendant on or about November 24, 2017 entered into an installment loan agreement in the amount $21,000.00, 6 The Account number issued ended in 7125. 7 The Account was opened by the Defendant on November 24, 2017. 8 The last payment on the Account was made on July 24, 2019, This is an attempt to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. This is acommunication from a debt collector. 17942 - Thomas Raucci9 Use of the Account binds the Defendant to the terms and conditions set forth in theWebBank Agreement (“Agreement”). A true and correct copy of the Agreement is this complaint as Exhibit "B".10. By use of said Account, Defendant became indebted in the sum of $11,227.01. A trueandcorrect copy of an Account Statement is attached to this complaint as Exhibit "C”.Il. The Defendant defaulted in making payments pursuant to the Agreement.12, That the Plaintiff made demand for payment of the installment loan agreement.13, Asaresult of Defendant's default, Plaintiff accelerated all payments thereafter in accordancewith the terms of the installment loan agreement.14, That there is now due and owing from the Defendant to Plaintiff the sum of $11,227.01.This is an attempt to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. This is a communication from a debt collector. 17942 - Thomas RaucciCOUNT TWO - Account Stated1-14 Paragraphs | through 14 of Count One are re-alleged and incorporated as Paragraphs 1-14 of this Second Count. 15. The Plaintiff regularly generated account statements reflecting an unpaid balance and mailedthem to the Defendant; said statements were neither disputed nor retumed. COUNT THREE — Unjust Enrichment 1-14 Paragraphs | through 14 of Count One are re-alleged and incorporated as Paragraphs 1-14 of this Third Count. 15. The Plaintiff provided the Defendant with a revolving credit line requested by the Defendant’s application and thereby relied upon the Defendant's promise to pay. 16. The Defendant used the credit extended by the Plaintiff which resulted in a balance due to the Plaintiffin the amount of $11,227.01. 17. The Defendant has unjustly neglected and refused to pay the sum of $11,227.01despite demand, although the Defendant has received the benefit of the extended credit. 18. The Plaintiff relied on the Defendant's promise to pay for the extended credit to itsdetriment. 19. As a result of the aforementioned, the Defendant has been unjustly enriched and thePlaintiff has suffered monetary damages,WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff Claims: 1 Monetary damages.2. Costs of action.3 An order on the Defendant for reasonable weekly payments out of sums earned or to be earned, This is an attempt to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. This is a communication from a debt collector. 17942 - Thomas RaucciThe amount in demand is greater than TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND 00/100 ($2,500.00).5 The remedy sought is based upon an express or implied promise to pay a definite sum.This is an attempt to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. This is a communication from a debt collector. 17942 - Thomas Raucci1, Adam R. Kravet, Esq., the subscribing authority, hereby certify that 1 have personal knowledge as to the financial responsibility of the Plaintiff and deem it sufficient to pay the costs in this action. Of this Writ, with your doings thereon, make due service and return.June 19, 2024 LEOPOLD & ASSOCIATES, PLLC haf es By dam R. t, Esq. 80 Busines¢’ ark Dr., Ste 110 Armonk, XY 10504914-219-5787 Attorneys for Plaintiff Accelerated Inventory Management, LLC This is an attempt to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. This is acommunication from a debt collector. 17942 - Thomas RaucciEXHIBIT AThis is an attempt to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. This is a communication from a debt collector. 17942 - Thomas RaucciDocuSign Envelope ID: 855E724F-4D75-453F-BA84-5A2460627631 BILL OF SALE LendingClub Corporation, a Delaware corporation (“LendingClub”) and Accelerated Inventory Management, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“Buyer”) executed an Account Purchase Agreement — Forward Flow dated as of Qctaber 21, 2019 (“Agreement”). The terms of the Agreement will govern this Bill of Sale and any capitalized but undefined terms herein will have the meanings given to such terms in the Agreement. For value received and in further consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth in the Agreement, the Investors referenced in the data file named Lot20- 102_LendingClub_FinalData.xlsx hereby transfer(s), sell(s), conveys(s), grant(s), and deliver(s) to Buyer, its successors and assigns, without recourse except as set forth in the Agreement, to the extent of its ownership, the Accounts as set forth in the Account Schedule attached hereto as Exhibit I delivered by Seller to Buyer on the Closing Date, and as further described in the Agreement. Pursuant to the Agreement, on January 24, 2020, the Closing Date, each Investor will sell (or cause to be sold) a pool of Accounts held by such Investors and described in the Account Schedule attached to this Bill of Sale; LendingClub represents and warrants that each of the undersigned Investors (other than LendingClub, where LendingClub is the Investor) has cxccuted a limited power of attorney between such Investor and LendingClub wherein a designated power is for LendingClub to act as attorney-in-fact for such Investor and to execute this Bill of Sale on behalf of such Investor and take any action and execute any instruments or documents that LendingClub may deem reasonably necessary or advisable in connection with the transfers contemplated thereby. Lot Number: 20-102 Total Unpaid Balance: a Number of Accounts: 2,805 DATED: January 24, 2020 SELLER: LC Trust I By: LENDINGCLUB CORPORATION, as Administrator ‘DocuSigned by: By: Browdon Pace Name (prin) Brendon! Page Title: General Counsel SELL odeQdipgClub Corporation | Brandon Pace Name (prnily” randon ATCT Pace Title: General CounselDocuSign Envelope ID: 855E724F-4D75-453F-BA84-5A2460627631 SELLER: 590 Consumer Lending Corp, LLC By: LENDINGCLUB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact DocuSigned By: bri he Pate Name ¢prittt@BFaniatin Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: ACL Consumer Loan Trust III By: LENDINGS cheAB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact B or we Pate Name (printf BfndGn' Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: ACL Consumer Loan Trust IV By:LI WNGHebhJB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact Brandon Pace Nene GRTEBEBrandon Pace Title: General ome SELLER: ACL Consumer Loan Trust VI By: LENDINGCLUB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact DocuSigned by: andon oy _{ brand Pate Name (brint):cBeandow Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: Arcadia Receivables Credit Trust 2017-1 By: LEI [erm iB: CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact Brondow Paw By: Name (print): ‘Brandon Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: ARCADIA RECEIVABLES CREDIT TRUST 2018-1 By: L [ened 1 ‘YB CORPORATION, an db, fate as attorney-in-fact By: OCF EGAGEA10C417. Name (print): Brandon Pace Title: General CounselDocuSign Envelope ID: 855E724F-4D75-453F-BA84-5A2460627631 SELLER: Banco Popular de Puerto Rico By: LENRINGCI.UB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact py. | Drandon Pace Name (prifit}' Britton Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: Banco Popular North America By: L fi BB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact Brovdow Paw By: Name (print): Brandon Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: Bank of Bennington By: LEN} INGC. jocusignec UBVE CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact By: Brandon, Pate Name (prititf@ssraitdidh Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: BankNewport By: L IRINGGLJJB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact | Brandon Pace Name (panyBi ran ATG: doit Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: BULLION INVESTMENTS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP By: LENDINGCLUB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact ‘DocuSigned by: By: Brondow Pate Name (printpBrandon Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: Carter Bank & Trust (tm By: L GGdebJB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact B Brandon Pate Name (paige rain Ea10G417 jon’ Pace Title: General CounselDocuSign Envelope ID: 855E724F-4D75-453F-BA84-5A2460627631 SELLER: CONGRESSIONAL BANK By: LE) Gifelr4J.B CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact B | Brandow Pace Name (prin Bh randon ATO 7 Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: Consumer Lending Receivables Trust 2016-A Does a signe By: LENDIN CLI ad UB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact By: Brondow Pate Name (brit "Bsa Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: Consumer Lending Receivables Trust 2016-B By: LENDINGCLUB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact DocuSigned by: By: Brandon Pace Name (print}rBxendenPace Title: General Counsel SELLER: Consumer Loan Underlying Bond (Club) Certificate Issuer Trust I By: L ENGEELWB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact Brandon Pater By: E seatocas Name (print): Brandon Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: Consumer Loan Underlying Bond (Club) Certificate Issuer Trust I Series 2019-SLCT1 G Hi C) UB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact By: LENDINacu! igne By: Brandow Par Name (prift)Ssraifdoi Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: CONSUMER LOAN UNDERLYING BOND (CLUB) GRANTOR TRUST 2017-NP1 By: LE) GfcduLJB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact Brovdon Pace Name (pritt) Brandon Pace Title: General CounselDocuSign Envelope ID: 855E724F-4D75-453F-BA84-5A2460627631 SELLER: CONSUMER LOAN UNDERLYING BOND (CLUB) GRANTOR TRUST 2017-NP2 By: LENDINGCLUB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact DocuSigned by: By: Brandon Pau Name (prntenBratieent Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: Consumer Loan Underlying Bond (CLUB) Grantor Trust 2017-P1 By: LENDINGGI,UB. CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact B Drondow Paw Name (print Brandon Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: CONSUMER LOAN UNDERLYING BOND (CLUB) GRANTOR TRUST 2017-P2 By: LENDINGCIdB. CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact B Brovdow Paw Name (print) BERGGH Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: CONSUMER LOAN UNDERLYING BOND (CLUB) GRANTOR TRUST 2018-NP1 By: LENDINGCLUB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact ‘DocuSigned by: By: Brandon Pau Name (pringjeBremetont Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: CONSUMER LOAN UNDERLYING BOND (CLUB) GRANTOR TRUST 2018-P1 G By: LENDINGCLUB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact DocuSigned by: By: Brow, a Pace Name (pkint)scBeandoo. Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: CONSUMER LOAN UNDERLYING BOND (CLUB) GRANTOR TRUST 2018-P2 By: LENDIN gnC) Je UB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact py, | Crandon Pau Name (pH HVindon Pace Title: General CounselDocuSign Envelope ID: 855E724F-4D75-453F-BA84-5A2460627631 SELLER: CONSUMER LOAN UNDERLYING BOND (CLUB) GRANTOR TRUST 2018-P3 By: LEI iGighdall3. CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact By: bri we Pate Name (print): Brandon’ Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: CONSUMER UNDERLYING BOND SECURITIZATION, SERIES 2018-1 GRANTOR TRUST By: LENDINGCLUB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact DocuSigned by: By: (¢Brow, dow. Powe Name int}oBeandon Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: COPPER CANYON TRUST By: LENDINGCLUB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact ‘DocuSigned by: py| Brandon Pace Na PuitEPBIatidon Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: Crescent Sky Consumer Lending Fund LP By: LENDINGCLYB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact py, | Ovando Pau Name prints’ Brandon Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: Crescent Sky Lending Facility -1 LLC By: LENDINGCLUB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact ‘DocuSigned by: By: Brandon Pate Name \seB¥amdon.Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: CresCom Bank By: LENDINjooug (igre CL 4¥B CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact B Brandow Par Name (Drip BERIUGH Pace Title: General CounselDocuSign Envelope ID: 855E724F-4D75-453F-BA84-5A2460627631 SELLER: Denali State Bank By: LENDINGCLUB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact DocuSigned by: By: Brandon Pate Name (printeBrandon Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: DIRECT LENDING INVESTMENT DLS By: 1,UB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact | Brandon Pace TOC Name (prin): ran don Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: DL INVESTMENT SARL, ACTING ON BEHALF COMPARTMENT MOONSTONE 2 By: LENDINGCLUB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact DocuSianed by: By: br w Pa Name ¥prittye3raridon Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: DL Investment Sarl, Compartment Moonstone | By: LENDING iCignHi UB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact Prondow Pace Name (pri BEANUOH Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: Elkhorn Valley Bank & Trust STD By: LENDING C) LUB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact igie B Brovdow Paw Name (pri) "BEaeiol Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: First Bank By: LEND) INGC! jocuSignec UB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact By: or we Pate Name {pritit*raiididh Pace Title: General CounselDocuSign Envelope ID: 855E724F-4D75-453F-BA84-5A2460627631 SELLER: First Trust Marketplace Lending Partners. LP By: LEI B CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact By: Brondon Par SEAT Name (print). ‘Brandon Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: FRANKLIN INVESTORS SECURITIES TRUST - FRANKLIN LOW DURATION TOTAL RETURN FUND By: L Cifci4JB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact Brandon Powe B Name (print): Brandon Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: GLC II Trust 2014-1 By: LENDINGCLUB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact ‘DocuSigned by: ay _{ tr dow Paw Name (prieepsBeandrr Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: GOLDEN CAPS TRUST By: LENDINGCLUB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact DocuSigned or oa AGN Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: HALMAN-ALDUBI I2P1ST, LIMITED PARTNERSHIP By: L WNGGCIJB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact Brondow Pour Name (print); Brandon Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: HCG Consumer Credit II Trust By: L INGeLB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact B Brandon Pau. Name (print) "Brandon Pace Title: General CounselDocuSign Envelope ID: 855E724F-4D75-453F-BA84-5A2460627631 SELLER: HCG CONSUMER CREDIT IV, LLC By: LENDINjoeGs igne C! LUBye CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact B Brandon Paw Name (pri BRaeOH Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: HCG CONSUMER CREDIT V TRUST By: LENRINGCGIJB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact | Brandow Paw Name Gan “TTOCATT. ran id lon Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: Heritage Bank NA By: LE) SrdaLJB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact B Brandon Pate BEA TOGAT Name (print): ‘Bi randon Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: IBI Consumer Credit, LP By: LENDINGCLUB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact DocuSigned by: By: Brandon Paw Name (priipsBtenidin Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: ILA CAPITAL TRUST By: LENDINGCLUB DocuSigned by: CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact By: or we Pate Name (prittt/S8raindidh: Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: INCLINE FUND II TRUST By: LENDINGCLUB DocuSigned By: CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact By: | Drandow Pace Name (parte Brandon Pace Title: General CounselDocuSign Envelope ID: 855E724F-4D75-453F-BA84-5A2460627631 SELLER: Kearny Bank By: LENDINGCLUB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact DocuSigr Brow, i Pate ane Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: KiWi Private Credit Fund LP By: LENDINGCLUB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact DocuSigned by: By: bri we Pate Name (pring sBranideny Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: KOOKMIN BANK AS TRUSTEE OF HANWHA CONSUMER CREDIT PRIVATE FUND 1 By: LENRISGGLUB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact Brandon Paw Non GEOFEED Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: LENDINGCLUB ISSUANCE GRANTOR TRUST, SERIES 2016-NP2 By: LENDINGGS,UB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact Crandon Paw NaS EP ERon Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: MountainOne Bank By: LENDINGCL.UB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact Brondow Powe Naa Tints BAMAGN Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: MPLI CAPITAL HOLDINGS By: Givey:B CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact Brandon Powe By: Name (print): ‘Brandon Pace Title: General CounselDocuSign Envelope ID: 855E724F-4D75-453F-BA84-5A2460627631 SELLER: Murray Hill Grantor Trust 2016-LC1 By: ,UB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact By. Brandon Pau Name (print): Brandon Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: MW-EW Financing Trust I By: LENDINGCLUB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact DocuSigned by: py:| Crandon Pace Namit (piiresBrattdon Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: NBSF 2018-1 By: LENDINGCLUB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact DocuSigned by: By: Brandow Pate Naine (print}Brandon Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: NBSF 2018-2,acting solely with respect to NBSF 2018-2, SERIES 2018-1 By: LENDINGCLUB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact by. Brovdow 6 DocuSigned by: Paw Name-(pringseBrandon Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: NBT Bank, National Association By: LENRINGCILYB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact i Brondow Pate Name (pri Brandon Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: Nelnet Unsecured Personal Loan Warehouse Trust By: LENDINGCLUB DocuSigned by: CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact py, | Brandon Pace Name ¢priftBiatdGn Pace Title: General CounselDocuSign Envelope ID: 855E724F-4D75-453F-BA84-5A2460627631 SELLER: Newburyport Five Cents Savings Bank By: L SNGLIJB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact or we Pate By: Name (print): Brandon Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: North Easton Savings Bank By: LENRIN GCLUB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact Brandon Pate Name (pritif}“Btatidon Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: PAGAYA AI DEBT SELECTION GRANTOR TRUST 2019-1 By: LENDINGCLUB CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact Brandon Par NAS GH SBon Pace Title: General Counsel SELLER: PAGAYA AI DEBT SELECTION GRANTOR TRUST 2019-3 By: LENDINGCLUB ‘Docusignedby: CORPORATION, as attorney-in-fact Brandan. Pau

Case Info

Case No.

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Document Filed Date

July 23, 2024

Case Filing Date

July 23, 2024




  • LEOPOLD & ASSOCIATES PLLCAttorney for the Plaintiff

  • THOMAS RAUCCIDefendant

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Plaintiff CIT Bank moves for enforcement of the parties settlement agreement. The relevant terms of the agreement require the parties to cooperate in the listing and sale of the property. The sale proceeds will be left in an escrow account pending further agreement of the parties, or order of the court. On July 28, 2022, the parties filed their stipulation for settlement of the action. The settlement agreed to a balance of $22,440, payable in monthly installments of $935. In case of default, the balance would increase to $32,038.44. Defendant(s) made $5,610 in payments, and defaulted on the March 28, 2023, thereby leaving an unpaid balance of $26,428.44. Code of Civil Procedure section 664.6: If parties to pending litigation stipulate, in a writing signed by the parties outside the presence of the court or orally before the court, for settlement of the case, or part thereof, the court, upon motion, may enter judgment pursuant to the terms of the settlement. If requested by the parties, the court may retain jurisdiction over the parties to enforce the settlement until performance in full of the terms of the settlement. (Code Civ. Proc., § 664.6.) Strict compliance with the statutory requirements is necessary before a court can enforce a settlement agreement under this statute. (Sully-Miller Contracting Co. v. Gledson/Cashman Construction, Inc. (2002) 103 Cal.App.4th 30, 37.) Accordingly, parties under section 664.6 means the litigants themselves, not their attorneys. (Levy v. Superior Court (1995) 10 Cal.4th 578, 586 (holding we conclude that the term parties as used in section 664.6 means the litigants themselves, and does not include their attorneys of record.).) Additionally, the settlement must include the signatures of the parties seeking to enforce the agreement, and against whom enforcement is sought. (J.B.B. Investment Partners, Ltd. v. Fair (2014) 232 Cal.App.4th 974, 985.) Section 664.6 was enacted to provide a summary procedure for specifically enforcing a settlement contract without the need for a new lawsuit. (Weddington Prods., Inc. v. Flick (1998) 60 Cal.App.4th 793, 809.) When ruling on a section 664.6 motion, the trial court acts as a trier of fact to determine whether a settlement has occurred, which is also an implicit authorization for the trial court to interpret the terms and conditions to settlement. (Id.) The court may not create the material terms of a settlement, and must instead decide on what terms the parties agreed upon. (Id.; Terry v. Conlan (2005) 131 Cal.App.4th 1445, 1460; Osumi v. Sutton (2007) 151 Cal.App.4th 1355, 1360; Fiore v. Alvord (1985) 182 Cal.App.3d 561, 565-566.) In acting upon a section 664.6 motion, the trial court must determine whether the parties entered into a valid and binding settlement of all or part of the case. In making this determination, trial judges, in the sound exercise of their discretion, may receive oral testimony or may determine the motion upon declarations alone. (Corkland v. Boscoe (1984) 156 Cal.App.3d 989, 994.) The property sold on July 20, 2022. Its not clear from the motion how much the sale netted, but the escrow company distributed $300,000 to both parties, plus an additional $30,000 to defendant Lison. Again, its not clear why this additional amount was distributed. On an unspecified date, the City of Los Angeles Department of Water and Power refunded $51,151.75 in fees paid. The fees are currently being held in an escrow account. [Declarations of Michelle Sorice and Craig Forry.] Plaintiff filed a notice of settlement on September 14, 2022, and a request for dismissal under the jurisdiction of CCP 664.6 on November 9, 2022. The court denied the motion to vacate the dismissal on September 5, 2023. The motion itself includes a copy of the executed settlement agreement. [Declaration of Steven Booska, Ex. A.] The court accepts the settlement agreement, the represented default on the agreement, and right to seek a judgment for the outstanding balance. [Booska Decl.] The unopposed motion is granted. Moving parties to give notice.



Jul 30, 2024 |CGC23604325

Matter on the Law & Motion Calendar for Tuesday, July 30, 2024, Line 5. PLAINTIFF WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A.'s MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT. Ordered off calendar for defendant's noncompliance with Local Rule 2.7(B) (courtesy copies). Motion may be re-set for a Mon.-Thur. after August 22. Defendant's papers shall bear new hearing date. =(302/RBU)


Captial One, N.A. vs. Ward

Jul 31, 2024 |23CVG-01215

CAPITAL ONE, N.A. VS. WARDCase Number: 23CVG-01215Tentative Ruling on Motion for Order that Matters in Request for Admission of Truth of Facts beAdmitted: Plaintiff Capital One, N.A. seeks an order deeming the truth of matters specified in Plaintiff’s Requestfor Admissions, Set One. Despite being timely served, Defendant Leah Ward did not file an Opposition.When a party fails to respond to a request for admission, the requesting party may move for an order deeming thegenuineness of documents and the truth of matters specified in the requests admitted. CCP § 2033.280(b). Failureto respond also waives any objections to the discovery propounded. CCP § 2033.280(a). Plaintiff’s moving paperssufficiently demonstrate that Defendant has failed to respond to the Request for Admissions within the requiredtime frame.Unlike a motion to compel further responses, a motion to compel responses when no responses have beenprovided does not require the propounding party to demonstrate good cause or that it satisfied a meet-and-conferrequirement. Sinaiko Healthcare Consulting, Inc. v. Pacific Healthcare Consultants (2007) 148 Cal. App. 4th390. Despite there being no requirement to meet and confer, Plaintiff sent a meet and confer letter to Defendant,through her former counsel, prior to filing the motion.Monetary sanctions are mandatory per CCP 2033.280(c), however, Plaintiff did not seek monetary sanctions andprovided no evidence regarding attorney’s fees or other costs associated with bringing the motion. Sanctionsshould only be imposed for “reasonable” expenses. CCP § 2023.030. The Court does not have information uponwhich to make a finding that any amount of sanctions were for reasonable expenses and should not imposesanctions.The motion is GRANTED. Defendant is deemed to have admitted as true each of the items contained inPlaintiff’s Request for Admissions, Set One. Objections are waived. Plaintiff provided a proposed Order thatwill be executed by the Court. The Court confirms the trial date of January 21, 2025.



Jul 29, 2024 |CGC23610721

Matter on the Law & Motion calendar for Monday, July 29, 2024, Line 9. PLAINTIFF BANK OF AMERICA, N.A.'s MOTION FOR JUDGMENT ON THE PLEADINGS. Off calendar. The Carr declaration fails to show that the parties met and conferred "in person, by telephone, or by video conference" in compliance with CCP 439. Defendant is ordered to comply with the code. For the 9:30 a.m. Law & Motion calendar, all attorneys and parties may appear in Department 302 remotely. Remote hearings will be conducted by videoconference using Zoom. To appear remotely at the hearing, go to the court's website at under "Online Services," navigate to "Tentative Rulings," and click on the appropriate link, or dial the corresponding phone number. Any party who contests a tentative ruling must send an email to with a copy to all other parties by 4pm stating, without argument, the portion(s) of the tentative ruling that the party contests. The subject line of the email shall include the line number, case name and case number. The text of the email shall include the name and contact information, including email address, of the attorney or party who will appear at the hearing. The court no longer provides a court reporter in the Law & Motion Department. Parties may retain their own reporter, who may appear in the courtroom or remotely. A retained reporter must be a California certified court reporter (CSR), for only a CSR's transcript may be used in California courts. If a CSR is being retained, include in your email all of the following: their name, CSR and telephone numbers, and their individual work email address. =(302/RBU)


Aug 01, 2024 |22CV-0201128

D&A PARTNERSHIP CONSTRUCTION VS. VERSKACase Number: 22CV-0201128This matter is on calendar for review regarding trial setting. The previous trial date was vacatedby the Court’s order dated May 8, 2024. The Court designates this matter a Plan III case andintends to set the matter for trial no later than November 19, 2024. Neither side has posted juryfees. The parties are granted 10 days leave to post jury fees. A failure to post jury fees in thattime will be deemed a waiver of the right to a jury. The parties are ordered to appear to providethe Court with available trial dates.



Aug 04, 2024 |CVSW2404598

ALLY BANK, A APPLICATION FOR WRIT OFCVSW2404598 CORPORATION VS POSSESSION - CLAIM AND DELIVERYBARRIENTOS BY ALLY BANK, A CORPORATIONTentative Ruling: The Court does not have any Proof of Service that that the Defendanthas been served/noticed with this Application for Writ of Possession. The court will hearfrom the parties at time of the hearing.4.NEAL VS RIVERSIDE MOTION FOR RETURN OF SEIZEDCVSW2406566COUNTY SHERIFF PROPERTYTentative Ruling: Motion unopposed. Motion GRANTED.A criminal defendant, “may bring a non-statutory motion for return of propertyseized by warrant or incident to arrest which was not introduced into evidence butremained in possession of the seizing officer.” (People v. Lemonte (1997) 53Cal.App.4th 544, 549 [emphasis added].)Here, Plaintiff argues that good cause exists for the return of the seized propertybecause over one year has passed since the incident, and the Office of the DistrictAttorney has failed to prosecute the matter. In support, Plaintiff submitted his owndeclaration, stating that there are no charges currently pending against him for which anyof these items would be used as evidence, they are not property the possession of whichis prohibited by law, and they do not need to be retained for any investigative or otherlawful purposes. (Neal Decl.) Based on this evidence, Plaintiff has shown that he isentitled to return of property seized during his traffic stop.Court will sign the Proposed Order.



Jul 31, 2024 |S15 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Purchase Debt |NNH-CV24-6146059-S



Jul 30, 2024 |S10 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Medical Non-Hospital |NNI-CV24-6033587-S



Jul 30, 2024 |C40 - Contracts - Collections |UWY-CV24-6079120-S



Nov 26, 2018 |Michael P. Kamp |C40 - Contracts - Collections |NNH-CV18-6086799-S



Jul 29, 2024 |S15 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Purchase Debt |NNI-CV24-6033572-S



Jun 17, 2024 |S15 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Purchase Debt |UWY-CV24-6079134-S



Jul 31, 2024 |S00 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Credit Card (Original Owner) |NNH-CV24-6145993-S



Feb 21, 2024 |C40 - Contracts - Collections |UWY-CV24-6075743-S

COMPLAINT July 23, 2024 (2024)
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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.